Kelsey Godfrey, a Heritage High School graduate from Townsend, sat down with Loren Abbott for an interview. Here are some questions she was kind enough to answer.

Where did you go to school? 

I attended Townsend Elementary, Heritage Middle School, and Heritage High School. I have a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Tennessee, and my Master’s and EdS from Lincoln Memorial University.

What did you study? 

My undergraduate degree is in Communications with an emphasis in English while my Master’s and EdS are in Secondary Education/Curriculum and Instruction. 

What is your job?

I teach 6th grade English/Language Arts at Heritage Middle School.

Do you use your education for your job?

Absolutely. My dream job was teaching and that is exactly what I am doing.

How did the Hearts and Hands Scholarship Fund help? 

The Hearts and Hands Scholarship helped pay for all of my books and expenses each semester. Since the money went directly to me, I was able to budget it to fit my needs outside of a typical tuition scholarship. Things like books, supplies for class projects, and gas to get to school were just a few things that my scholarship money was used for. Having the financial help from the Hearts and Hands Scholarship allowed financial flexibility for me during my college years.

What advise/tips would you like to pass on?

It’s okay if you don’t know what you want to be when you start college. It is totally normal to change your major and sometimes you may end up back where you started-that’s all okay! College is a learning experience and a time of major personal growth-embrace it. Also, read the syllabus. Then read it again. You (and your professors) will thank me later.


Kelsey is one of many amazing people that our Scholarship was able to help.

This is why we do what we do…to help our 37882 kids.